Monday, June 6, 2011

Whine, Cry, Whine, Cry!

Oh sweet blog, please help me keep my sanity while my daughter whines ALL DAY about nothing and everything! “I didn’t want THIS cup!” followed by screaming and kicking. Really, your lucky you got anything with that attitude. Of course she doesn’t want the $15 cup that keeps everything super cold. She wants the throw away one that has been chewed up by our dogs because it has a princess on it. It doesn’t seem to matter what I do, it’s just not good enough. I’m guessing that I’m not the only parent that feels that way. Some days I just wonder, “what was I thinking” and then they do something cute and nice and I remember. Sweet Jesus, are you messing with me! Anyway....I read a lot of um... “self help or happiness” books. I’ll list them on my widget bar, or whatever that thing is. They really help me when I’m about to loose it, but finding a few minutes to actually read seems impossible. Cry, whine, cry whine, come on... gimme a break already. I apologize, as I type my daughter is screaming in her second time out of the day. Now, my son, on the other hand, almost never whines or cries. He saves that for daddy. Lucky me. There goes the timer, please someone, help me get through this day!


  1. Oh how I feel your pain!! I feel like
    I could have written this!!10 deep breaths... and maybe you can train them both to save it for daddy!!
    PS~ I LOVE You Can Heal Your Life... It's always within arms reach!! great choices!

  2. I love your blog. My name is Tiffany. I have a 21 month old daughter and 7 month old twins..that's what 14 months apart. your day sounds very familiar.:-)
